February 19, 2018
He had a dream on the night of January 2nd. In this country, there was a superstition that the dream on the night of January 2nd would become real.

In the dream, he was waiting for a bus at the bus stop near his house. While waiting, he felt something strange but he didn't know what it was. After a while, he noticed that people in business suits were running. If they hurried to catch a bus or something like that, it would seem natural, but they were just running like they were jogging for exercise. "Jogging to get to the work place is the fashion?" He had no idea.

Soon the bus came and he got on. The bus ride seemed smoother than usual. He saw an old woman walking. Her walking was strong. She must have been an Olympic athlete or something, he thought. When he was getting off, he was about to smile to the bus driver as a greeting, but the bus driver just looked forward. He felt a little strange.

He got to his company entrance, and passed by the receptionist who was in the center of the entrance hall. He said, "Morning." The receptionist looked at him and said, "Good morning, Mr. Anderson." He was amazed that she knew his name from all of about 1,000 workers. He was happy.

He got on the elevator. He usually felt stiffness in the elevator during the morning rush time with all the smells of sweat and perfume. But on this day, there were no smells.

He went to his section. His coworkers greeted him and they had a few light conversations. Soon his boss asked him to come. He went. His boss asked him, "Bob, how is the MG Company contract going?"  He reported that it was a tough negotiation and he was making efforts. His boss said jokingly, "If you can't get this contract, a robot might replace your position."  He said jokingly, "If I work with a robot boss, I could work better." The boss smiled and said, "Oh, that's a pity." They both laughed.

After work, he stopped by the gym that he had a membership to. When swimming in the pool, he was thinking about today's incidents. He felt something was happening around him. They were subtle but he was sure about them. He couldn't tell what it was. It was like a spy movie that a mastermind set a trap for the protagonist in order to make him/her do something bad to their own organization.

After a while, he realized that the swimmers in the other lanes were swimming very strongly. It reminded him of the old woman who was walking. "She might use some steroids or ... maybe she was a robot?"

He got to his home. When he opened the door of the living room, his wife was watching TV on the sofa. He said, "Today I had a weird experience. I thought this planet was invaded by aliens and everyone was replaced by them." He continued, "Or ... maybe the government started to exchange people with robots secretly because humans are incomplete and always complainc "
His wife looked up to him and said, "You're talking about this?" She stretched her skin under her eye and some mechanical things appeared from the gap.

And he woke up.
Next to him, his wife was sleeping. He felt an urge to stretch her skin but he stopped.

He thought in bed. Without a doubt, a robotic society would come eventually because of the speed of their development. The more robots became similar to humans, the more humans would understand the differences and nuances of them, maybe.

*superstition :–ภM
*receptionist :Ž๓•t์
*stiffness :‘ง‹๊‚ต‚ณ
*subtle :ฑื‚ศ
*mastermind :•–‹
*protagonist :Žๅ–๐
*incomplete :•sŠฎ‘S‚ศ
*urge :ี“ฎ
*nuance :”๗–ญ‚ศทˆู
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