Ants & Grasshopper
December 31, 2012
    The grasshopper was a street violinist.  He played the violin in the streets downtown. His performances were good, but his income was unstable; some days were good, other days were bad.
    This year, the economy in the area was severe, and the citizens couldn't afford to pay money for things like performances, so the grasshopper was very poor and always starving.
    One day, very close to the end of the year, the grasshopper was exhausted and sat on the edge of the pavement of the street. An ant came up to him and asked, "Are you sick?"  The grasshopper weakly replied, "No, I'm just starving."  The ant said, "I would like to hear you play the violin, but I have no money. Do you accept this bread instead of money?"  It didn't
look like bread, just a tiny block of clay or something. Even so, the grasshopper's face shone, "Of course, I will!  But can you give me the food first, for I have no energy."  The ant gave it to him.  As soon as he received it, he ate it up in an instant.  He looked a little better, and started to play the violin.
    He played a serenade.  The sound carried in the air of the cold night.  Ants gathered together with one another; some were couples, some were families. After finishing the serenade, applause occurred from here and there.
    This year the ants worked so hard that some of them died of heart attacks or strokes.  But now they wanted to forget it, even if only for a short time.
    They put some money into the case of the violin. The snow started to fall, and one of the ants opened his umbrella and put it over to the grasshopper.
    Next, the grasshopper performed the title, White Xmas.  The sound was slow, low and gentle.  During the climax of the song, there was a sense of fulfillment in every ant's eyes.  They naturally thanked God for surviving this tough year, and would happily welcome the new year with their family members now that they were listening to this good music performed by the skillful violinist, the grasshopper.

(The End)

*carry: (used about a sound)to reach a long distance(O)
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