June 1, 2014
He lived in the suburbs.
He retired from his job and lived on his retirement pension.

He liked to grow vegetables in his garden.  It was his dream to have a vegetable garden in the suburbs. This day he was watering the soy beans. The soybean seeds had been planted just a week before. The sprouts just appeared on this day.

The next day he was surprised that one of the plants grew 50 centimeters tall.
On the third day that plant grew to 1 meter in length, and, the next day it became almost the same as his height.

He wondered if this was a special bean like in the fairy tale 'Jack and the Giant
Beanstalk'.  He smiled, "At this rate, I can harvest giant beans.  One bean might be as big as a tennis ball, or even a basketball! But, seriously, why does this stalk grow so fast like this?  Is this the effect of radiation or a dioxin?"

After it became 3 meters tall, the neighbors came; and, after it became 5 meters tall, TV crews came and broadcasted it.
One month later, it became 15 meters tall; he couldn't see the top of the beanstalk.

At this point his expectations were broken. All the pods on the beanstalk were the same size as regular beans ~ about five centimeters long.

His disappointment was not only this. The neighbors started to complain about the stalk, which created a large amount of shade upon the neighbors' houses.  Soon the TV crews broadcasted it as an organized protest.   Soon the local government officers came and demanded him to cut the tree.

He harvested the 20 pods of beans which had 40 beans in them, and left leaving the tree uncut.  After he left, the neighbors cut it.

He went to Africa.  He went to a desert and planted his 40 beans. One month later they became 15 meters tall and produced 40 beans each, it was a total of 1,600 beans.  

He asked volunteers. The volunteers gathered from all over the world.  They planted the 1,600 beans there.  
After one month, each bean became 15 meters tall and produced a total of 64,000 beans.  They planted them there.  The desert became a forest.

One month later they got a total of 2,560,000 beans.  Now, they were preparing to plant them in all of the deserts in the world to change them into forests.

(The End)

*sprout :芽
*wonder :だろうかと思う
*stalk :茎、幹
*dioxin :ダイオキシン
*expectation :期待
*organized :組織化された
*leaving :残して
*preparing :準備する

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