Clam 2-3
July 28, 2013
    He called the police and soon a dozen officers came and started to search for her.  The chief of the police asked him what happened to her and who she was.  He explained what happened to her but he couldn't say who she was; he only knew what company she belonged to, Shell.  The chief called to the headquarters to check it.
    A couple of hours passed. The rain gradually became calm.  An officer came to the chief and said that the truck driver was found dead by the river several hundred meters down stream from the truck.  Then the chief received a phone call.  The chief said to him, "They said that there is no such woman in Shell's environmental
section.  Now they are checking their workers, spreading their inquiry to all female workers, including part-time staff."  The chief looked at him.  He shrugged, thinking, 'Did she tell me a lie?'  
    The chief and him went to the sushi restaurant and talked to the clerk who persuaded her not to go out.  The clerk recognized her but he didn't give them any other information.
    The police couldn't find her by night fall.  The next morning, the search continued again. By this time, the police received the information from Shell: there was no missing woman in their company.  
    The police's search lasted for 10 days, but she was not found. They checked missing reports but nothing related to her came up.  The police stopped their search.
    After that, he sometimes went to the road where he first met her and to the river where she disappeared, but he didn't find anything.  As time went by, the number of times he went there decreased and finally the visits stopped.
    One day, several months after the incident, he passed by the road by chance. It was a hot day like that particular day.  Somebody was crouching over in the street.  It looked like a young woman.  He started to feel upset.  He hesitated what to do while in front of her.  She seemed not to realize that he was there.  He decided to check on her, "Ma'am, are you OK?"
    The woman looked up.  She was that woman.  He became paralyzed seeing her.  She said in a weak voice, "Excuse me but do you have any water or something?"  She seemed not to recognize him.  He picked up a bottle of water from his shoulder bag and handed it to her, which was half drunk but this time he didn't hesitate to pass it.  She drank all the water in one gulp and said, "I feel revived."  He said, "Again."  
    She looked at him at a loss and asked, "Have we met before?"  He didn't reply to her question and said, "I thought that you had drowned."  The young woman smiled.  Her mouth was wide.  She said, "I can't remember you but I have to say that clams never drown."
 (The End)

*inquiry: An inquiry is an official investigation.(Cobuild)
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