August 24, 2014
He often frequents a restaurant where there is a waitress he is interested in.
He likes the dishes, but maybe he likes the waitress more.
Every time he went there, he couldn't decide what to order because the food was so good.  And, at the same time, he couldn't ask her out on a date because he was shy.  

On this particular day, he went to the restaurant as usual.
Soon the waitress came and asked him for his order.
He was thinking about what to order for a long time.

The waitress was accustomed and patient about his habit. But, on this day, the shop was busy.  She became restless and said, "You always order one of the top six dishes, so if I were you, I would order one by one from the top … "  Suddenly she came up with an idea, "In fact, why don't you use a die?!"

On his way home, he was thinking about her.  He felt embarrassed that she might
think that he was an indecisive person. (It was not because he was an indecisive person, but because this restaurant served such good food that he couldn't choose.)

"But, the die idea isn't bad," he thought.  It might give him a good chance to talk with her.
So he stopped by a toy store and bought some dice.
The next day, he went to the restaurant with the dice.

The waitress came over and handed him the menu.
He took out a die from his pocket and rolled it on the table. The waitress's face brightened, "Oh, you did what I said?"
The cast of the die was 4, so he ordered the dish fourth from the top. She cheerfully announced, "Number four from the top!"  

From this day on, his way of ordering became big fun for both him and the waitress. When he was about to cast the die, the waitress was waiting for it breathlessly, and once the number appeared, they got excited no matter what number showed up, like "What a shame! The same number three days in a row!" or "You should cast Number one, before you might forget its taste!" or "I bet this time is Number two from the mathematical point of view!"  It was kind of a lovely sight and it lasted until one day.

On this day, after he finished the dish, the waitress came over with a serious face.  She said, "I hate to say this, but this weekend will be the last time I work here. I have to move to my sick mother's place. I am very sad that I can't see you casting the die anymore."

The next day, he came to the restaurant and casted the die. The die rolled on the table and stopped, but there was no excitement. They were just watching it. After eating, he was about to say something to her, but he couldn't.
The same thing occurred on the following days, until the final day came.

He took the die and looked at her, "This is the last time I will cast this die.  For its sake, if it comes up an even number, will you eat out with me tonight?"  She quietly agreed to it.

He casted the die. The number was 3.
They said nothing.  She brought him the three dish without saying anything, and he ate it tastelessly.
After the check, he expressed his appreciation for her serving him so far, and his concern for her mother's health.

When he was about to leave, she said, "Wait. Why don't you let me cast the last die as a memory?"  She added, "If the number is an even number, I will go out with you tonight."

Being surprised, he gave her the die.
She grasped it firmly and raised it in front of her head.  She mumbled a prayer and then threw the die swiftly on the table.
But … nothing appeared on the table.
He looked at her with a suspicious face.
She gave a little bit of an embarrassing smile and said, "The die has disappeared.  Zero is an even number, right?"

(The End)

*frequent よく行く
*be accustomed 慣れている
*restress 落ち着かない
*indecisive 優柔不断な
*come over 来る
*no matter what 何であろうと
*in a row 続けて
*mathematical 数学的
*be about to しようとする
*following 後の
*so far それまで
*grasp 握る
*mumble つぶやく
*prayer 祈りの言葉

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