January 29, 2017
He received many wrong number calls.
Recently he changed his phone and his phone number. Usually users of cellphones don't need to change their phone number when they change their phones because they can keep their old numbers. However, he didn't like his old number which contained three '13's. It seemed to be a very unlucky number.

After changing his phone, many wrong number calls came, like this:
"Hey, Kenji! It's me. Why don't you call me! Are you thinking to get out of our group? That's a bad idea. Sorry you were scolded badly by our boss, but he is not a bad person. He likes you c."

"Ken, it's me. You are so mean! Why haven't you called me for a long time? Are you tired of me? Do you have a new girlfriend? I'm sure I'm not very pretty, but c"

"Mr. Kenji Gotou. Your payment is two months overdue. This time we are thinking about taking your account to court. If you don't c"  

At first, he just said that they have the wrong number and hung up, but recently he became a little tired of telling everyone because it was such a large number of calls.

Sometimes, people realized that they had the wrong number, and quit calling, but some of them were very persistent, like this:  
(After his explanation about the wrong call)
Person: "I don't believe that. You must have been asked by Kenji to pretend this is the wrong number. Are you his friend or relative? Tell him to call us back immediately. Or else c" He sighed.

He thought at first they called the wrong number like '9969' instead of '9699'. That seemed to be an easy mistake to make. But, he shouldn't keep receiving such an incredible amount of phone calls.

Next, he thought that someone named 'Kenji Gotou' had the same number as his, but because of an error from the phone company, both he and Kenji had the same phone number. He came up with an idea. He called his number from his phone. He was a little nervous because it was the first time to call his own number. Soon the standard female automated voice answered, "I cannot speak on the phone right now. Please leave your message after the beep sound."  He said, "It's me," and hung up. Soon he got a text from his phone saying he had a message. He checked it. It said, "It's me."    "Of course," he bitterly laughed.  

So, he called the phone company and asked about his situation. The operator replied that this number's old owner could be that person. It could happen because the company recycles the numbers which have been cancelled by the previous owners. The operator said, "It's rare because usually the old owner continues with their original number. Your old owner might have canceled the contract because he couldn't pay the bill." Maybe this is the reason that many phone calls came urging for money, he thought. The clerk added, "If you feel troublesome, you can change your number, although there will be a fee."  He wanted to shout, "I changed once already!" But he said nothing and hung up.

When he changed his number the last time, he had to call or mail the people on his contact list to tell them of his new number. It was very troublesome that he had to contact so many people, even his old friends who he hadn't contacted for a decade. He had regretted his number change. He didn't want to do that again, especially because of this 'Kenji'.

He patiently continued to answer the wrong calls and correct their errors. The number of wrong calls decreased day by day. On this day it was for the first time in months that he received a wrong call from a young woman.

"Kenji, I like you after all. I said bad things about you so many times. I want to apologize to you. Forgive me. Call me if you can forgive me."

He wasn't able to tell the girl that it was the wrong number. He lost the chance. He was amazed about this guy's popularity among women. Recently, he started to like this guy somehow. He might not be a bad guy, as this woman said. Maybe he had many good aspects.

He realized that he wanted to meet him. "Next time, I will ask the caller how to get in contact with 'Kenji Gotou'. Will they tell me? I might be thought of as a stalker, or a detective, or maybe a bill collector. Is this dangerous?"  

But he hadn't had any wrong calls recently. When he received calls for himself and realized that it was for him, he sighed, and answered the phone, "Hi."

*or else :‚³‚ΰ‚Θ‚’‚Ζ
*aspect :–Κ
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