March 24, 2013
    She loved him but he didn't even remember her.
    She was a surgeon, a medical operation doctor.  He had come to her hospital a couple of times for his scratches and met her several times but he didn't recognize her.
    One day, she followed him and when he came to the station which was near her hospital she pushed him from the top of the stairs.  He fell down over the stairs and lay on the ground.  The blood flew from his body.  She pretended to be a passenger who accidentally passed by and gave him First-Aid, and called an ambulance from her cell-phone.
    Soon an ambulance came and took him, along with her, because she stated that she was a doctor.  As soon as the ambulance got to the hospital, she started his surgery.  This was not difficult for her because his injury was not fatal.
    The next day she came to the man's hospital room.  He was awake and said, "I
was told by a nurse that you helped me twice; once at the station, and again at the surgery. You are my lifesaver."  She smiled, "You were lucky.  I was in the station by chance."  He said, "By the way, I think that I was pushed by somebody at the station.  Did you see anybody?  I think it was a woman, because the feeling of the hands which pushed my back was small and soft."  She looked away from him and said, "I'm sorry but when I saw you, you were already on the ground."  
    He continued, "I'm scared.  A couple of months ago I was also pushed by somebody.  That time I only got a scratch, though.  Oh, I remember, I also came to this hospital at that time.  Anyways, I'm scared."  
    The doctor said cheerfully, "You don't need to worry about it.  If you are injured, I can treat you, no matter how many times it happens."   "Oh, that's very helpful." he laughed.   "I hope so."  She laughed too, but her eyes didn't laugh.

*no matter how/where/what etc: used to say that something is always the same whatever happens, or in spite of someone's efforts to change it (L)
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