May 27, 2012
    A long long time ago, there was a tree.  It was big, as high as a three story house and very thick.  It was ten meters around at its trunk.  The tree had a magical power.   People came to the tree and touched its trunk.    An old woman who suffered from a heavy sickness came and touched the tree.  Her sickness was cured immediately.    An old man who was short-tempered and angry all the time came and touched the tree.  On his way home he was calm and smiling at everyone.  A middle aged ugly woman came and touched it. On
her way home many handsome men came to her and asked for a date.  A middle aged stingy man came and touched the tree.  On his way home, he gave all his money to poor people.  A young man who was rather dull came and touched the tree.  On his way home he stopped by a poor village and taught math to the children.  
    One day a king came and touched the tree.  He didn't get any result.  He was angry and tried to cut the tree down.  When he raised his sword, he felt an enormous stress and stopped.  He was afraid of the tree's power and left it.   He said he had felt God's holy mind.  
    One day several priests came and touched the tree but nothing happened to them.  They were so angry and said to the people that the tree was an evil tree.  
    But citizens thought tree's power was genuine and the priests, on the contrary,  had problems.
    In this way the tree's power worked for some people who had a pure heart or believe in the tree's power.  On the other hand, it didn't work for people who were selfish or doubtful or boastful.
    One day a young woman came and touched the tree.  Nothing happened.  She announced in a bright voice to the people around her.  "I'm a perfect woman, both inside and outside so there was nothing left to be changed!"  This rumor spread immediately for young women.  Many girls came and used the tree in order to prove their perfections.  
    Soon the tree died.    

(The End)

*as high as :ほどの高さ
*story :階
*trunk :幹
*short-temper :気短
*ugly :醜い
*ask for :頼む
*stingy :ケチの
*dull :鈍い
*result :結果
*holy :神聖な
*left :そのままにする
*evil :邪悪な
*genuine :本物の
*boastful :自慢した
*announce :言う
*rumor :噂
*spread :広がる
*prove :証明する
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