May 19, 2012
    The husband always complained about his wife's slowness. He said, "Why are you so slow? If you are so slow, it means you  waste a half of your life. Don't you think so?"  The wife said nothing.  Today they were in a restaurant, where a special event was being held.  10 couples had gathered and they were one of them. This was an eating competition. When he had applied for it, he thought they had no chance to win because of his wife's slowness. But they still could enjoy good meals at a very reasonable price. So he decided to eat slowly and enjoy it.
    The master of the ceremony explained the rules.  "The time limit is one hour.  We will serve the same amount of food on each plate.  If you eat up the food on the plate, you get one point.  The couple who get the most points will be the winner."
    The game started.  A lot of food plates were carried to each table.  All the couples
started to eat in a rush, except one guy.  He was enjoying the meals.  And soon he realized that his wife also was eating in a rush.  "Hey! What are you doing? Didn't you listen to what I said?  We should enjoy..."  She was eating fiercely without looking around.  He thought to himself, "Maybe she's just nervous in front of the audience." So he gave up trying to talk to her, and left her to eat.
    Actually, many other customers surrounding them were watching and cheering the 10 couples.  The piles of the plates they finished were getting higher and higher as time went by.  The master of the ceremony said, "A half hour has past.  This is a very fierce match and any couple has a chance to win except one."  He looked over at the man and the audience laughed but the husband didn't care at all.  The other nine couple's plates were three times as tall as theirs.
    The guy saw his wife.  She was eating so fiercely that some of her hair had dipped into her bowl of soup.  She didn't even realize it.  There was food on the sides of her mouth.  She looked like a demon and surprisingly, he saw tears in her eyes.  Just then he wanted to make her stop, but he heard some of the audience laughing. He looked around.  They were laughing at his wife.  A strong anger came over him.  It was not toward the audience but toward himself.  
    He asked one of the waitresses to bring a lot of food.
    He started to eat.  His eating style was unique.  He took one plate with one of his hands and dropped its contents into his mouth without using any utensils.  He didn't chew it at all, he just swallowed.  His eating speed was beyond human.  The audience started to cheer for the couple.  Their plates increased dramatically.  For the last 2 minutes all the audience stood up and cheered for them.  
    After all it was too late for them to win.  When the bell rang, signaling the end of the match, they were in second place.
    But for them, the result was not the problem.  They were laughing staring at each other's faces, covered with colorful pieces of food.   It had been a long time since they remembered laughing together.      

(The End)

*complain :不満を言う
*being held :開かれていた
*apply :申し込む
*except :除いて
*fiercely :猛烈と
*as time go by :時が過ぎるにつれて
*content :中身
*utensil :台所用品
*chew :噛む
*result :結果
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