May 11, 2014
She liked her job.  She was a librarian.
She liked the smell of books and ink.
She liked the silence, and the quietness from the troubles of life. She hated being disturbed. Stories of books didn't betray her, which is completely different from her life outside of the library.

One day she found a book which she had no recollection about.  It was on the shelf standing alone. The shelf contained the books that they removed for re-sorting.
She searched for the name of the book in the computer but no information appeared.
"Did someone put this book here in order to play a joke on me?" she wondered.
She looked around but nobody was around.

It happened to be that on this day she was not so busy, so she took the book to her desk and started to read.
The book was a drama of a woman's life.
The author was a woman who she didn't know. Surprisingly, because she knew of a lot of writers because of her job.

The book was written in monologue style.  In the story, the protagonist told about her
life; her life was not eccentric, but, rather, a kind of common one. Even though, or rather because of it, the story was firm.  The protagonist lived on what she believed.  
"Do I have something to believe?" she thought to herself.  She had been avoiding things which might be trouble. So, her life was a boring one but she didn't hate it.
But, she felt that the story started to encourage her.

In the middle of her reading the book, she did some chores around the library, and returned to her desk. She re-opened the book at the bookmarker.

She jumped from the desk. The page was white, the letters on the page disappeared.  She flipped through the other pages in fear but all those pages were blank as well.  She got angry, "Who is playing this joke on me?"  She took the book and asked to her colleagues but they were stand-offish in their appearance, and denied their involvement.

She returned to her desk. She looked at the cover again. The title and author's name weren't there anymore.
She sighed. "What is this? Is this a joke from God or a demon?"
She wanted to read the rest of the story. That story was exciting.

When she opened the last page without thinking, she jumped again.
There was her name on the place where the author's name was supposed to be.
And the title of the book read 'My Life'.

Now she was thinking that someday she would write something on this book; but, before that, she had to do something worth while in her life to write about.

*recollection :when you remember something (C)
*stand-offish :rather unfriendly and formal (L)
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