Writer 2|6
October 13, 2013
    After he left the bank swiftly, he hid the money and wore a wig.  The wig was completely the same as his original hair which he had cut just before the bank robbery.  (He had his hair cut like a typical businessman.)  Originally, he, as a writer, didn't go outside often, so probably not many people could identify him.  And in the bank he had intentionally kept his face away from the surveillance cameras, which he and the bestseller had checked before.  So the police couldn't find him easily.  
    On the other side of things, the bestseller writer and the bank were arguing about whom the $500,000 dollars belonged to.  The bestseller argued that he had put
his money on the counter, the counter belonged to the bank, so the money should belong to the bank, and so, the bank should compensate him for the money.  On the other hand, the bank and its insurance company argued that the bank hadn't recognized the money.  The female clerk, she only looked at the money, she didn't touch it.
    The argument between the bestseller and the bank lasted for three months.  When it was about to be taken to court, the bestseller proposed an idea.
    He said that he originally wanted to donate his money to UNICEF, so if the bank gave him the money, he would donate it back to the bank, giving up UNICEF this time.  He added, "If you accept my proposal, I'll send the money from my account to your account directly, not through your counter."  The bank and the insurance company didn't care about his sarcasm, and accepted his offer.  
    On the day the $500,000 dollars was deposited and then re-deposited between the bank and the bestseller, the investigation of the police was called off.  They couldn't find any good witnesses.  They didn't get any trace of the money either.  
    A couple of months passed.  He brought the $500,000 dollars back to the bestseller writer.  They toasted.  In this time, they tasted genuine thrill that they might be arrested, and in the worst case, might have been shot to death.  
    This time's experience made their brains activate, and they wrote good mysteries one after another; they avoided stories about bank robberies though.  
        (The End)

*intentional :planed or intended (C)
*argue :to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with them (C)
*call off :to decide to stop an activity (C)
*toast :to drink a glass of wine,etc to thank someone, wish someone luck etc (L)
*activate :to make something start working (C)
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