September 5, 2016
He was a bad guy. He was young but did a lot of bad things, and he was hit by a car while walking, and died. He was standing in front of the gate which separated heaven and hell, the gate guard asked, "Which do you want to go to, heaven or hell?"  

The guy felt strange about this question. He was not a religious person but at least he knew that good people would go to heaven and bad people would go to hell. This was common sense. Could people choose which place to go?  If people could choose, all people would choose to go to heaven. This seemed to be common sense.

The guard looked like a normal person, wearing a uniform like a prison guard. There was no other people except them; there were no other buildings on the plain except this gate.

He replied, "I want to go to heaven."  The guard asked, "Is it your final answer? You can't change it later." The guy became restless. He thought, "Why is the guard
making sure? Are there any tricks in the question?" If he said 'hell', it seemed more reasonable based upon his past behavior. This might be a test about whether he was honest or not.

When he was about to say 'hell', he had another thought, "If I go to hell because I told him that I wanted to go to hell, then I'm the stupidest person in the world." He was stuck.  

He looked at the guard. The guard didn't show any irritation despite the guy not answering easily. The guard didn't look busy. He might be asking for fun.

"Orc," he thought, "maybe he is giving a grace from God for the dead to decide which place to go to. But in that case, he would ask more suitable questions like what good things has the person done in their life time."

His head became aching. He was not the type to think about things too deeply. He dropped out of his school to follow his friends. He entered the gang world because he was offered. He did a lot of bad things because people around him criticized him, he just did what he was told not to do.

He said, "Excuse me?"  "Yes?"  "May I ask a question?" The guard calmly said, "Go ahead." He asked, "If I say 'I want to go to heaven,' can I go to heaven?" The guard laughed and said, "I don't know. Because I've never heard which place they actually went to beyond this gate. I am just ordered to ask. So, which one?"

He asked, "If you were I, which way would you choose?" The guard thought a little and replied, "If I were you, I would say I want to go to heaven. I think it's a natural reaction."  

He remembered the guard said that he didn't know the people's fate who passed here. He asked, "Which one did the other people choose?"  The guard said, "Almost all of them chose heaven. But c" The guy said, "But you don't know which place that they went to in reality." The guard nodded.

"May I ask another question?" The guard said, "No problem." The guard seemed to enjoy this conversation.

"Can you tell me what heaven and hell are like? You are the expert on them."  The guard laughed, "Good try. I'm sorry but I don't know about those well. Only God knows.

"Let me ask you my last question." The guard nodded. "Maybe I should have asked this in the first place. Why do you ask me which place that I want to go to, heaven or hell?" The guard stared at him for a certain period and said, "To tell you the truth, I have the privilege to either answer or not to answer this question." The guard thought for a second, smiled and said, "Ok, I've decided to answer you this time." He cleared his throat, "Only half of the dead people can go to heaven, the other half will go to hell. As 50 percent is a large number, when I ask this question, if he/she replies 'hell', he/she will go to hell automatically. For the other people, God will decide the others' destination."

The guy was pleased that he had asked this, if not, he might answer 'hell'. "But why did you tell me this?" The guard said, "I don't know. Maybe I've been with you for a long time."

The guard asked, "So, do you want to go to heaven?" The young guy said, "I lived ridiculously my whole life. I don't want to change my style. I'll go to hell."   "Final answer?"  "Yes."

The guard took a gadget from his pocket which had two buttons, a green and a red, and pushed the red button. The floor broke at his feet and he started to fall c

He opened his eyes. He was in a hospital.
His doctor said he was unconscious but survived. He said, "It's a miracle that you are alive because you damaged your head badly. You should thank God for this luck."

He understood why he had that headache.
Now he was thinking about that dream. Why did he choose hell? Since he did only bad things, did he want to do good things for the rest of his life?

Suddenly one idea came up to him, "If I had chosen heaven, I might have been dead. No way!"  This idea seemed possible to him.  Of course he didn't know the answer.

*plain :•½–μ
*grace :—P—\AŽœ”ί
*privilege :“Α“TAŒ Œΐ
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