Cinderella's Shoes
February 23, 2014
Cinderella came back to her house.
She had to leave the party by midnight because after midnight her costume would return to her original old clothes; it was a witch's spell.
She was also wearing only one shoe, because she had left the other one in the castle.

She smiled remembering that the prince was shouting at her, "Please wait, lady, I want to know your name..."
She wondered what happened in the castle after she left.
"Has the prince started to look for me?  
How?  The shoe that I left could be a clue to how to find me.  But the glass shoe might have returned to the original dirty shoe like this one, and he might throw it in a dust box."
She sighed.

But her shoe in the castle didn't change and the prince and his team started to look for the owner of the glass shoe.

A couple of days later, in the morning, the prince and his team came to Cinderella's house.
Her step-mother welcomed them.
The prince said, "I heard that there were three young women living in this house."  
The step-mother replied, "Yes, including me."
The prince sighed but said, "Madam, please call your girls to come here."

The mother showed her two daughters where to stand in front of the prince.
The prince asked, "And?"  He pointed to Cinderella who was in the far corner of the room.
The mother said, "She is nothing. There are two beautiful girls right in front of you.  I think they are enough."
The prince sighed again but said, "Please, as a precaution."
The mother reluctantly made Cinderella come closer.

The prince first tried to put the glass shoe on the elder sister's foot.  The shoe was too small for her and she complained about it.
Next, the prince tried to put the glass shoe on the younger sister's foot.  The shoe was too small for her, too, and she started to cry.

The last person remaining was Cinderella.  The prince smiled at Cinderella.
He remembered that she was the woman that he had danced with and he already started to feel love for her.
He put the glass shoe on her foot gently...  
Alas, the shoe was too big for Cinderella's foot.

That night, Cinderella worked hard during the daytime before going to the party, so her foot swelled up and when the witch put a spell on her shoes, the shoes were bigger than usual, so the glass shoes were big; now in the morning, her feet were normal size, so her foot was too small for the glass shoe.

Cinderella and the prince looked at each other upset.
The prince had announced that he would marry the woman who fits in this shoe. He knew that his words weren't light, he could not easily retract them.

But Cinderella was a smart woman.
She raised her foot with the glass shoe high up and then stomped it down on the ground strongly; the glass shoe broke into pieces.
She looked at the prince.

After a moment of hesitation, the prince announced in front of his subordinates, "Now, we saw that the shoe fits on this girl's foot, she is the woman I danced with that night.  I hope she will agree with my proposal."

Of course, Cinderella agreed with it and they got married and lived happily ever after.

(Ps. Cinderella had the initiative in their married-life because of her quick wit at this time.)  

(The End)

*spell 呪文
*could be になりうる
*clue 糸口
*including 含めて
*right まさに
*precaution 念のため
*reluctantly いやいや
*Alas なんたることか
*swell 腫れる
*had announced 公言していた
*retract 撤回する
*subordinate 部下

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