April 21, 2013
    A couple was on a date, walking downtown.  She discovered a small antique shop and entered.  He went in after her.  When they were strolling inside, she found a strange ad on the wall, it said, 'Forgetting Pills are now in stock.'   She asked the shop owner, "What are these Forgetting Pills?"  The owner, in his 60's, gave a surprised reaction and replied, "Don't you know what they are?  I thought that these pills are popular among you young people."  
    He picked up a tablet.  It looked like a normal pill.  The old man continued, "If you take one tablet, you will lose your memory for one full day."  She was very curious about it and asked the price.  It was kind of expensive.  She looked at her boyfriend.  He hesitated for a moment but it fascinated her very much so at last he bought two tablets and gave her one.
    After leaving the shop, she said, "I want to try one now but if I take it now, I'll
forget today's date and why we bought this drug, so I want to wait for a couple of days."   But after a while, they forgot about the drug for a certain period.
    One day, several months later, the couples got into a big quarrel.  He said that he wanted to break up with her.  She was in tears.  When she got home, she remembered the drug.  She found the tablet in the shelf.  She wanted to forget what he said immediately.  She took one.  
    The next day, he came to her apartment to apologize to her.  He regretted about what he said.  He pushed the door bell.  She came to the door and looked at him, her face was stiff.  She said, "I won't buy anything from a salesman."  He said, "Come on, I'd like to apologize to you.  It was not how an adult should act."   But she looked at him as though she looked at a stranger.  She said in a cold voice, "If you want to continue to say strange things, I'll call the police."
    The shop owner made a mistake about the drug's usage.  On the box of the drug, there was a warning label, it said, 'DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE STRESSED. OR, IT WORKS INCREDIBLY'.  The couple had first met ten or eleven months before, and the drug worked for more than that time.  Or, at least, it might have worked only to forget about him, whom she wanted to erase from her memory.  When he realized that she couldn't recognize him at all, he cried.  When he got home, he remembered about his own tablet.  
    Several years had passed.  One day, they, the former couple, accidentally met downtown in an antique shop.  They were strangers now.  When he looked at her, she was asking the shop owner about the Forgetting Pills.  He was staring at her for a while.  Suddenly, he remembered something.  He shouted, "Please don't buy it!"  She stared back at him and asked, "Do you know me?"  He smiled, "If you don't take the drug again, I'll make you remember me."    

(The End)

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