Writer 2|5
October 6, 2013
    He and the bestseller writer entered the bank separately.  The bestseller writer proceeded straight to the deposit counter.  A female clerk smiled and asked, "May I help you?"  The bestseller writer smiled back and said, "Yes." and took out some bundles of $100 dollar bills from a bag and started to pile them on the counter.  Soon 10 of bundles were lined up on the counter.  Each bundle was about 5 centimeters thick.  He handled the money as if they were cheap goods, so the woman at the counter didn't react right away.
    At this early time, just a few minutes after the bank opened, the clerks were somehow not concentrating, even the guards couldn't recognize the money on the counter.  The writer wore a common business suit and cut his hair like a typical businessman, so nobody cared about him.
    The female clerk finally recognized the situation; she professionally estimated how much there was from the thickness of the bundles and guessed it was about 500,000 (five hundred-thousand) dollars.
    The bestseller writer said in a calm voice, "I'd like to donate this money to UNICEF."  The female clerk, being upset, said, "W..wait a minute, sir." and left the counter to get her boss, the manager.  
    On the other side, he, the other writer, was also dressed in a business suit.  He
was writing something on a form at a corner table; he was just pretending.  As soon as he made sure that the female clerk left the counter where the bestseller was, he slowly approached the counter.  He took a folded paper bag from his jacket's inner pocket and opened it up and put all the bundles of money from the counter in it, and left the counter.  It was so smooth that the bestseller writer didn't notice. (Of course, the writer pretended.)  
    When the man with the paper bag reached the front door, the bestseller shouted, "That's my money! Stop him!"  All the people in the bank saw the direction the bestseller pointed to, but it was only the back of the man in a suit.  The guard and the manager couldn't understand what was happening but followed the guy in the suit.  It was too late.  When they went out of the front door, they couldn't see anybody.  They checked around the bank building and returned to the counter where the bestseller and the female clerk were waiting.  The female clerk was pale.
    As soon as the manager returned, the bestseller writer demanded, "Why don't you call the police? It was $500,000 dollars.  The female clerk nodded and said to the manager, "I was about to report to you..."  The manager asked the clerk, "Why did you leave the counter?"  "Because ... " she started to cry.
    In an irritated voice, the bestseller writer pleaded for the manager to call the police in a hurry.  The manager made the call.  Soon a series of police officers came.  After investigating, the chief of the police asked, "So, who is the victim?"  The bestseller writer pointed to the manager, "Of course, this bank".
(To be continued ...)

*handle: When you handle something such as a weapon or car, you use or control it effectivery (Co)
*plead :to ask sb for sth in a very strong and serious way (O)
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