Writer 2|3
September 22, 2013
    He spoke to the bestseller writer, "I thought my story wasn't bad."  The bestseller writer flipped through some pages of his book and responded, "I thought your idea wasn't bad either.  Especially the plot that the protagonist's classmate asked him to help him hide the dead body but that was a trap; I was amazed about that scene."  He was very pleased that the bestseller writer recognized his idea again but said, "But, in that case, why haven't my books sold at all?"   The bestseller thought for a while and said, "May be your story is too advanced and the readers couldn't follow it."  
    He glared at the bestseller, "I don't need a compliment.  I need money.  I can't live if my stories don't sell.  I will be a
criminal, a bank robber, like in one of my stories."   The bestseller writer shouted, "That's a good idea!"   He got angry, "Are you kidding me?  I'm really in a tight spot."   "No, no." the bestseller said, "I'm serious.  This story was not bad, kind of good.  You are not bad.  But your story somehow doesn't have punch.  I was thinking about that.  As the book clerk said, your stories are not so real.  In your stories, the criminals don't seem to be so serious even in their urgent situation.  Maybe it's because that you've never experienced a crisis."      
    He said, "B..but you said that Agatha Christie didn't need to kill people for her mysteries.  How different is it from my situation?"
    The bestseller said, "I suppose Agatha Christie must have made various efforts to make her stories real.  She experienced a lot, I guess.  Or, she was a genius and her imagination was beyond imagination."   He didn't laugh at the bestseller's poor joke and said, "But why? Why bank robbery?  I don't want to be arrested.  In the worst case, I will be shot to death by the guards."  
    The bestseller writer grinned and said, "Why?  Because I want to rob a bank.  Recently, my stories are boring.  I need something new, fresh, change!  I'll join you."
(To be continued ...)

*protagonist :the main character in a play,film or book (O)
*suppose :to think that sth is probable (O)
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