Salaried Worker-3
November 4, 2012
    He pushed the expensive looking doorbell.  An old woman came to the door and said bluntly, "If you want to sell something, I don't have any interest in buying anything from a complete stranger, even if you insist that is a good product."
    The guy smiled at her and replied, "I am a busy businessman. So, I wouldn't want to trouble anyone who doesn't want to be disturbed."  The old woman looked a little irritated by what he just said. Although irritated, she was a little curious. "So what do you want to sell or to provide services?" She asked the salesman.  To witch he replied, "I provide the goods that you want."  Again the old woman asked in an irritated face, "So, what is that?" as she pointed at the box.  He clearly stated, "It's the one thing that you want."  To this, she was about to shut the door.  
    He held up his hand, "Wait a second, ma'am.  I'm not joking. This is the item that you really want."  The old woman stopped, "
Ok, ok. Maybe this is a new type of negotiation.  You don't say anything about the product in order to make me get interested in it. Then when my curiosity becomes too much, you then tell me what is inside the box; thus, I'll buy it without thinking deeply, right?"  To which the guy replied, "Thanks ma'am for explaining it instead of me... But I have to say that things are more complicated."  He paused for a moment and continued, "I can't say what this product is because, in fact, I don't know what it is. "  
   The old woman was staring at him for a long moment and said, "Are you nuts?  Nobody can sell anything without saying what it is; and, nobody will buy anything without knowing what it first is.  This is the basis of all business; though I know that you already know that, because you are a professional."  He ignored her sarcasm and responded, "You are exactly right. But you need to know that a very new type of business is a little bit different from the old type."  
    She grinned and said, "I'm very pleased to be a very old fashioned person, thank you." and she was about to shut the door, when he blurted out in a rushed voice, "Why won't you buy things you don't expect at all?  It might change your life?"   "Oh, good try!" she said, "So how much for getting a new life from your product?"  As soon as she heard the price she slammed the door.  
    He expected that ending, so he wasn't completely surprised at it.  But, at the same time, a strong anger toward his company arose from the bottom of his mind.  
    (To be continued...)

state: kind of SAY
blurt out: kind of SAY
slam: kind of SHUT

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