Tigress Woman-2
January 13, 2013
   It was unusual for him to go to the woman's seat so naturally.  He wasn't a shy person but he had never talked to strangers, especially women, like in this case.  Was he absorbed to her as he was attracted by her character?    Looking closely, she seemed to have well-trained muscles.  She was not big.  She was calm, different from when she was talking to the waitress a little while ago.  She let him sit next to her.  
    She said, "You were watching me.  So what do you think of me?"  He was a little nervous. "What do you mean by that?  I was just curious about your atmosphere."  He was a little surprised that he was talking to the stranger so frankly.  She said in a cheerful voice, "I mean, can you guess about my occupation or my situation?"   It was a weird question seeing it was the first time to have met this person; but, he thought a second and answered, "An office
worker? "  "No."   "A school teacher?"  She laughed, "I didn't think that you would give such common answers."  He was perturbed by what she just said, and again questioned her, "Are you a scientist?"    "No, it's becoming closer."   "Are you a butcher?"   She was offended by him this time, "You don't have a sense of guessing, do you?"   He was angry, "So in that case, can you guess what I do?"   She gazed into his eyes and answered, "You make something, ...you... are designing something.  You are maybe a game creator or something."   He was astonished. "Are you a FBI agent or a fortuneteller?"  "Of course not. I just have some instinct about some things."  She grinned.
    They left the restaurant and strolled around downtown.  She was shorter than he had thought.  Her walking speed was slower than he had imagined.  But she walked swiftly, just as he had expected.  
     "So, have you come to a conclusion about my job?" she asked.   He only had one idea left.  He cleared his throat and said, "You might be an animal researcher, especially tigers."  She burst into laughter, but soon she became serious.
 (To be continued...)

*perturbed: worried or upset(C) = offended
*offend: to make someone upset or angry(C)
*burst into: to suddenly begin to make a sound, especially to start singing, crying or laughing (L)
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