March  15, 2016
Since she was very young, she hated her face; but that didn't mean that she had an ugly face. In fact, a lot of boys asked her to go on a date.

When she became an adult, it became her routine to wear sunglasses while commuting to and from her company because nobody noticed her. But, when she took off her sunglasses, many guys would ask her out on a date.  

She was a beautiful woman although not super beautiful, but somehow very attractive. Her face was exotic and a little mysterious which normal women didn't have. Because many men came up to her and asked her for a date was troublesome for her. Especially when she was with friends, and a guy came up to her, sometimes her friends would get jealous and their relationships became bad. Actually, she hated those guys because they wanted to go out with her just because of her looks. So she would never go out with any of them.

This weekend, she was walking around wearing sunglasses in the downtown area. She happened to see a poster posted on
the wall of a beauty-saloon. The catch slogan read 'You'll be a different person with our new technology.' There were two pictures of two different women. The caption underneath the pictures read 'Before' and 'After'. After some hesitation, she entered the saloon.

There were several customers on the seats having their haircuts. It looked like a normal beauty-saloon.  After waiting a little while, she was taken to a vacant seat, and soon a male beautician came and asked what type of hair style she would like. She said, "I saw the poster outside. I'd prefer to be a 'different person'."

The beautician laughed, "I don't think you need any change except cutting some hair. You are already beautiful enough." He added in a small voice, "That poster is mentioning about the ladies who have something they should change." He winked. But she said, "You must think this is arrogant, but I want you to make me unattractive."

The beautician stared at her in the mirror for a long time. She was starting to regret. Her way of saying that might not have been suitable, especially in a beauty-saloon. She hoped that the other customers didn't hear her remark. But the guy said, "I see. But one thing. This method uses a special make-up, more precisely, a special mask. It's kind of expensive as it's a special machine and the materials that are used are expensive. If you don't like it, you can take it off anytime easily; but, we won't accept a refund."  

She asked, "How long will the mask hold, I mean, how long can I wear it?" He said, "The mask was made from the most advanced materials. It has uncountable micron sized holes, so your sweat and air passes through it, it's like real skin. You can apply make-up on it.  You don't need take it off every day like make-up. The material is very strong like rubber, so if you maintain it well, it will hold for a couple of months. I knew a woman who has been using hers for half a year." She was curious about how the woman changed, but said nothing. She ordered it.

The beautician took her to a small room where there was a beauty salon chair and a mirror with a sink. He asked her to sit down in the seat and drew her make-up, and switched a button on the frame of the mirror. He passed her a tablet computer and explained how to use it.

She started to choose the parts of her 'new' face. The mirror was a special gadget, and it would change her face as she chose her facial parts. She could choose her facial parts from a picture list. For example, she chose her mouth from the selections of about a 100 or so mouths; when she touched one of the mouths, the mouth on the mirror would be changed to the new one she chose. If a person didn't like it, one could easily change it by touching another. The size was automatically fit to her original size. It was like a montage photograph.

She chose each part carefully again and again and again. Her face in the mirror was changing a little by little. It took one full hour that she created her ideal face, a rather plain one. She was a totally different person, although if one carefully looked at her face, you might realize her original atmosphere in it.

He nodded looking at her face in the mirror and pressed another button on the mirror. Soon the 3D printer started to print, which had some holes on the eyes, nose, and ears.

The beautician checked the mask carefully, and then started to put it on her face. Now the mirror returned to the normal one and she was watching her new face being fixed.

After 30 minutes or so, the beautician asked her to change her expression: to laugh, get mad, be sad. Her new face changed accordingly. He set her hair style and put light make-up on. He finished, and she stood up from the seat and came nearer to the mirror and stared at her face. She strongly nodded and smiled at the beautician.

At her job place, her boss and colleagues were speechless. They needed a couple of weeks to get used to her new face. Her best friend said that it was a little bit strange as the friend had been looking at her for more than a decade; and, at the same time, felt it was a pity to hide the pretty one. The friend added, "But, the strange part is, your face has changed this much, but I don't feel that you changed at all."  She felt she wanted to cry and was very relieved.

Her life dramatically changed. Nobody came up to her for a date. She felt she got freedom for the first time. Except for one thing. When she went to the beauty-saloon one month later part of the regular maintenance, the beautician asked her to go out with him. She was surprised but, now she was thinking that it was not such a bad idea.

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