Satan's Knife 3
March 25, 2012
    Satan came and said.  "I'd like to give you a hardship."  The man said, "I don't need any hardships. Please leave me alone."  Satan said, "I like you and I want you to be a strong man.  After conquering this hardship, you will gain strength."  
    The man said, "I'm fully satisfied with my present position. Why don't you go to another person who wants to change themselves instead of me?"
    But Satan insisted, and said. "The hardship that I ask of you is to find me 'eternal time'.   If so, I'll give you anything you want."  The guy said, "I don't need anything from you, but if you insist I'll try. I want your knife. I heard a rumor that if somebody is stabbed by your knife they won't get hurt at all."
    Satan knew that it was not correct, but he thought that the guy might do something funny like stabbing his girlfriend with his knife, and so he agreed.  
    The guy thought for a second and went to an electric appliance shop.    He bought a cheap solar watch, and gave it to Satan as an eternal time.   Satan didn't know about this type of new technology and accepted it. In return, he gave him his knife.
    The guy received the knife, and then he stabbed Satan as a try.    Satan said, "I hate that human beings do things in haste without any considerations." and died.  

(The End)

*hardship :困難
*leave :そのままにしておく
*coquer :克服する
*instead of :の代わりに
*eternal :永遠の
*stab :刺す
*get hurt :怪我する
*electric appliance :電化製品
*accept :受け入れる
*as a try :試しに
*in haste :性急に
*consideration :熟考
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