Job Seekers
September 11, 2017
In this society, students who graduated from school had a hard time to choose their jobs.

It was not because that there were too few jobs. There was a large amount of jobs because of the shortage of workers in the aging society.

But they couldn't easily choose their jobs. It didn't mean that he or she avoided physically tough jobs, like jobs that required working night shifts, or working in construction sites, or working with elderly people who needed to be moved from the wheel chair to the bed. Since many types of robots were made to support workers, many jobs were not as hard as before.

Their concerns were not about mentally hard jobs either, like working at schools whose students didn't study or were too energetic, or would break things, or bully other students. Now, if some problem occurred at schools, robots would appear and protect them from violence.

Their concerns were whether the job would have a future or not. They were worried that the job might disappear after they started working because robots would rob them of their jobs.

Some researchers had predicted that some jobs would be replaced by robots or computers. But the prediction didn't come true. For example, many researchers predicted that the most probable job which would be replaced were taxi drivers. Because cars would become auto-drive. Actually many cars had become auto-drive except for taxis.

Originally, auto-drive was invented for people who felt troublesome to drive. They thought, "Oh, if I don't need to drive by myself, I can relax or can do something in the car." But taxi drivers are the people who get money with a car. They need to drive a car.

Another purpose of auto-drive is safety. Machines don't make mistakes like humans. But originally it was rare that taxi drivers had an accident. Nobody experienced an accident in a taxi. So they didn't feel auto-drive is better than taxi drivers.

Taxi drivers could get to the destination faster than auto-drive cars. Auto-driving cars obey traffic rules; they are programed so. They never exceed the speed limit. On the other hand, taxi drivers usually drive faster than the speed limit.

So customers tended to choose a taxi driver taxi. Plus, people could talk with the driver about any problems, or just want to talk for fun, because they would probably never meet again.  

Cashiers: Researchers thought that cashiers would be another job that would be replaced because if you put a tag on each product in a shop, the tag would be automatically read by machines at the gate, after paying, the gate would open. No human was needed.

Actually, there appeared a lot of these types of supermarkets. But people, especially wives, didn't like to shop at these places. They said that when they passed through the gate, they felt tense. The buzzer might stop her. And sometimes it happened. The buzzer would ring and a manager and/or guards would come in a rush. Usually it would be just a bug in the tag or something like that. As the number of tags in a supermarket was many, sometimes it happened. When people witnessed the customer showing their goods on the table for checking, they felt it was humiliating.  

Some owners of the supermarkets returned to use human cashiers, appealing to their customary friendly policy. These supermarkets became more popular than the non-human cashier supermarkets. Now almost all supermarkets used human cashiers  

Like this, there were so many cases in which the researchers' prediction wasn't accurate. On the other hand, there were many jobs in which the researchers didn't think would disappear. So, job seekers couldn't decide about their jobs. If he/she worked hard and after getting certain knowledge and got promoted, then the job would disappear, being replaced by robots.

Now people think that the researchers are the most probable job to be replaced by robots.

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