Detective :Fortuneteller 2
July 21, 2017
The next night, the retired guy was sitting in front of the fortuneteller. The detective was in a coffee shop which was located near the fortuneteller. Through a mic in the retired guy's pocket, the detective was listening to their conversation.

The retired guy forced himself to make a smile but his smile was awkward. When the fortuneteller took his hand, his heart started to pound harder. He silently breathed deeply in order to calm down. She had an exceptional atmosphere. She was more attractive than he had imagined. Looking at his palm, the fortuneteller said, "You are looking for somethingc important c " The retired guy felt uneasy. She continued, "Is it a woman?"  He didn't know whether she was asking him or just saying a monologue. She looked at him and said, "Maybe not. You're looking for c a new thing c a purpose of living c instead of c you worked hard c "  He knew that there were many retired people in his age group and his generation worked hard, it was their style. Was she just saying regular things? He said, "Should I get a new job?"  She said, "Don't hurry. I mean you don't need to hurry to find something." She released his hand.  He felt relieved. She said, "You worked hard. You have a good wife and children. In this country, you have freedom to choose anything to do. You have time and you can research more for your second life." The retired guy said, "You are right. By the way, what is yours? I mean what's your purpose of living?"

"What?" The detective shouted. Some of the other customers in the coffee shop looked at him. The detective had told the retired guy not to ask her anything. It could make her put up her guard. The fortuneteller laughed and said, "Do you want to know my living purpose?"  He said, "I'm simply curious about fortunetellers' ways of thinking because you can foresee yourselves."  She said, "Actually, we are not so good at seeing our own future. I can foresee others because I can see you literally as now I'm looking at you. But I can't see myself. Myself in a mirror is a little bit different from seeing one's real self."  The retired guy didn't understand really what she had said but said nothing. Instead he asked, "Do you have a family?"  

"What?" The detective shouted again. Some of the others in the coffee shop looked at him again. She said, "Everybody has a family. Mine is no different. Mine is c" She looked at her watch and said, "Sorry, 30 minutes has past. I have another appointment. I hope you can come again."  The retired guy said, "Yes, definitely."

After the retired guy left, the fortuneteller closed her stand. Leaving the coffee shop, the detective started to follow her. It was after 9 P.M. The fortuneteller went to the subway station. She bought a ticket. He had to buy the most expensive ticket just in case. He didn't want to run a risk if he had to pay extra money at the exit gate, she could disappear. In the subway car, although there were some vacant seats, she stood standing by the door. He stood by another door. After a few stops, at a big station, there were many passengers who were getting on. When the door was about to shut, she got off. He couldn't get off because two guys who were coming in blocked him from getting out. The door closed. He realized that she was looking at him through the window. She looked to be smiling but it was not a bad one. She pointed to her ear and was saying something to him. Maybe she had known that she was being eavesdropped on. He was looking at her until the train moved away. She disappeared from this day.

One month from her disappearance, the client came to the detective office. For a month, the detective searched for her but couldn't find her. He asked her former customers but nobody knew anything about her identity. Both the detective and the retired guy apologized to the client saying that their approach to her was not successful. The client said that it was good for him that she disappeared and his crisis was now over. The detective insisted on receiving only half of his cost, and the client agreed. They talked about who she was. They had no idea. They talked until noon, and then client left.

For lunch the detective started to make instant ramen for the two. After a while the retired guy's shrill voice sounded, "She! She!" He was pointing at the TV. On the TV there was a bust shot of the fortuneteller in full screen. The announcer said, "c ran into the embassy two weeks ago. The embassy announced today that she is a spy of People's Republic of XXX, who had been getting our country's important information for over 5 years c "  

They were speechless. After the topic of the news was changed, the detective turned off the TV. He gave up making ramen as he had lost his appetite. Now they were sitting on the sofa without saying anything. They sighed many times. After a while, the retired guy said, "When she talked to the client, she must have wanted to reveal herself. She didn't want to be a spy anymore." The detective said, "I don't know. But, at least, when we saw her last, she looked refreshed. Maybe she had decided about her asylum."

The retired guy said, "Should I not have asked about her family?"  The detective thought a little and said, "She had been looking at many families in this country passing by on the road for more than 5 years. How did she view them? They were wearing good clothes, they looked happy and enjoyable. At least this country is peaceful and the people are rich enough to eat. How did she think about them?"  They became silent.  

*shrill :‚©‚ρ‚‚’
*asylum :–S–½
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