April 12, 2015
A movie theater re-opened.
In this era, almost all houses had a home-theater-system, with a big sized monitor and a good quality sound system, some were even in 3D. So, the number of people who went to theaters were dropping, and some of them went bankrupt.

This particular theater had a 50 year-old history. The present owner was the son of the former owner. He studied abroad and took a MBA of psychology, economics, and computers. He took over the theater recently and renovated it. With pride, he added some of the latest technology to the 50 year old theater.

On opening day, customers had been chosen by a drawing because this type of movie was completely different from the normal type, and many customers might apply for it.

After buying a ticket, the audience had to pass through a special gate which had several cameras taking their personal profile and appearance. The audience knew what this meant and they stood still for a while according to the instructions of the announcement.

After all the customers sat down, the room became dark, and soon the introduction appeared on the screen, and began to roll down, it read:
'Welcome to the new movie world!  As you probably know, in this movie, all customers
are the actors and/or actresses. You might be a hero or a heroine, luckily; or you might be a bad guy or a poor old woman, some of who might die, unfortunately. Our computer will decide each role of the cast at random. So, please don't complain about your own role. We believe you will enjoy this movie. Have fun YOURSELF!'  From here and there, there was an excited applause.

The movie started and the main title appeared, 'Faith in the West.'   The director was Clint Westwood, a famous Western movie director. All the actors and actresses were students of a film school. As all the faces would be superimposed with the audience's faces, the theater could allocate the costs to a famous director as well as the computer system.

Soon a gunman on a horse appeared in the distance and started to approach nearer. Soon the audience could recognize the person. From one corner there was a cheering female voice, "Wow! It's you, Ken! You were selected as the main man!"  Some applause occurred and the guy called Ken stood up and shrugged around to the audience showing embarrassment.

The gunman came to a saloon. He tied the horse on the deck under the eaves and entered the bar.

There were many gunmen sitting at the counter and around tables. They looked at him with their sharp eyes. Recognizing their faces, there were many cheers here and there from the audience. The hero sat at one of the vacant seats, and soon a waitress came up to him. "Is that me?" A female voice sounded in the theater. It was the girlfriend of Ken. Ken said, "You are cute on the big screen!" There were a mixture of applause and sighs from some of the others who missed to be chosen in the lead parts.

On the screen, the hero and heroine started to talk. Surprisingly, their voices were rather similar to Ken's and his girlfriend's because the computer made their voices by the calculation of the original persons' figures.

There were other cast members who were fitted to each customer's appearance as the movie proceeded. A city mayor, a sheriff, an inn's clerk, a barber, kids, even prostitutes and their madam. (The women who were casted as prostitutes complained.)

The movie was proceeding toward the ending.
The guy had to fight seven outlaws who killed the sheriff and a young apprentice. There was a slim chance to defeat the seven skillful outlaws.

The night before the big fight, the waitress came to the gunman's hotel room. A teasing voice occurred from the audience. Ken and his girlfriend became nervous to know that their secret would be revealed. Actually, the love scene was cut out by the computer because there were some kids in the theater. There was a commotion of disappointment from here and there.

As the next morning came. The woman in bed begged him not to fight. She said, "Why don't we go somewhere together." The guy said, "I can't escape leaving this town. If I die, please tell my mother."  Ken and his girlfriend were crying.

The fight started. The hero showed his skillful gun techniques and defeated a couple of outlaws. But the outlaws were shrewd and tough. In the end, the hero was shot in the leg.  As the last outlaw went behind the wounded hero, and he was about to be shot …, the waitress, holding a rifle, shot the outlaw. They survived.

The waitress went to the gunman and helped him to stand up. They started to walk toward the church at the end of the road.  The bell of the church started to ring as if to celebrate their great job ...  

As the ending title appeared, a big applause occurred. On the screen, all the cast appeared like a finale of a play, and started to dance like in Indian movies. The applause changed into clapping, and continued.

After all, all of the audience members enjoyed the movie and left saying that they would introduce this 'thrill' to others. Even those in the outlaw's roles enjoyed it. They gathered and started to shake hands with one another, some of them were talking about going to a pub together.

Ken and his girlfriend were surrounded by the other audience members and congratulated them for their good roles, although they didn't do anything.

After a while, as the hall emptied, the manager felt a sense of satisfaction and an assurance of business success. Already he was thinking about the next movie, "How about Jurassic Park? … people are eaten by dinosaurs … there might be complaints from parents if their son was eaten …   How about The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? … it can cast many people because it has the scenes of munchkins …. People wouldn't like to be dwarfs, though?  How about …"

*go bankrupt 倒産する
*particular 特定の
*psychology 心理学
*profile [pro?ufa?l] プロフィール
*at random アトランダムに
*superimpose 二重焼き付けする
*allocate 割り当てる
*main man 主役
*gunman 無法者、殺し屋
*lead 主役
*figure 容姿
*prostitute 売春婦
*apprentice 見習い、
*commotion 動揺の声
*shrewd そつがない
*wounded 傷ついた
*celebrate 祝う
*surround 囲む
*congratulate 祝う
*assurance 確信
*dinosaur 恐竜
*munchkin 小人
*dwarf 小人
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