Wolf Is Coming
December 16, 2012
    His ancestor was not a liar. Before, when his ancestor shouted, "A wolf is coming!", a wolf had actually come. But before the villagers had come, the wolf soon went away. After all tricking the villagers was not the boy but rather the wolf.  His ancestor was then killed and eaten by the wolf.
    One day in recent times, the wolf (of course the descendant of that particular wolf) came to the village. The descendant of the boy shouted, "A wolf is coming!", the same as his ancestor did.  Before the villagers came, the wolf went away.  And this happened repeatedly.  So he soon understood how his ancestor had been tricked by the wolf.  He felt remorse for his ancestor and he wanted to get revenge on the descendant wolf, who was as mean and sly as the old one.
    One day when the wolf came to the village, no villagers came out.  The wolf
grinned at the boy and said, "Now nobody believes you just like your ancestor."  The boy shouted, "A wolf is coming!"  But nobody had come.  The wolf laughed, "You should learn from your ancestor's story.  But it is too late.  You are going to be eaten just like your ancestor!"  The wolf started to chase the boy.  But the boy bravely replied, "This isn't the same as my ancestor because now it is the modern world."  But the wolf couldn't understand what the boy said.  When the wolf almost caught the boy, suddenly shouting occurred from one direction, it said, "A wolf is coming!"  
    The wolf was surprised and looked towards that direction.  A man was approaching the wolf.  Soon another voice occurred from another direction, "A wolf is coming."  After that, there were many voices coming from various directions, "A wolf is coming!"  The wolf became more and more confused. There were more than ten people approaching the wolf.  They were not the villagers.  They were various in age, sex and fashion, from the young girl's group to the businessman in a suit.  The wolf was too upset to run away and so he fell down from a high cliff where he stood and died.
    Actually the boy had a smart-phone with him.  And when the wolf came, he quickly twitted, "A wolf is coming."  Some of his twitter friends, re-twitted to others, and finally some of them found the boy's location using a GPS application.  They all, of course, believed in the boy's twitting!  

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