September 7, 2014
He was a painter.  Although, not a professional painter.
His paintings weren't so good. So he couldn't earn enough money to make a living.
In order to make ends meet, he had a side job as a house painter.

One day, he was painting the wall of a house in the downtown area.
He at first began painting the walls a light cream color. After that he painted the doors with a brown paint. Now he was painting the window frames with bright green and dark red paints.

When he was about to finish the day's work, a cat chased another cat around the room. The cats stepped in the open paint
cans, and then ran all over. The tracks of the cats' feet remained on the wall. It was like footsteps on the ground, albeit with red and green paints.

He sighed.
When he started to prepare the white paint for the wall to go over the marks, the owner returned from his job and looked at the tracks of the cats on the wall.

The painter apologized about it, saying he would repaint the wall immediately.
But, the owner was an eccentric person. He was a great cat lover. He said he liked the cats' track marks.  More surprisingly, he asked the painter to add to it by drawing a cat according to the paw prints.

After the cat's art was completed, the owner loved it very much and had a party.  The painter was invited to the party.  There were the owner's friends there and some of them were eccentric people, who ordered him to draw something on their own house walls.

His second artwork on a wall was a condor. The owner said he liked condors because it symbolized freedom. After completion, the owner liked the drawing very much.

The third drawing was of a mermaid. The owner was a single senior citizen. He said he wanted to heal his loneliness by looking at this picture, and this picture deserved it.  It took a couple of weeks to draw the mermaid. When he was painting, there were a lot of spectators and it became news.
The number of people ordering him to draw pictures on walls started to increase.

As time went by the paintings became bigger and more elaborate because the owners of their houses watched other works before their ordering, and asked him for grander works, and he liked it.  He drew various things, from a sport car to tropical trees or a dragonfly, he even drew planets and icebergs.

After several years, this town became famous as an art town and many tourists came.
In fact, he was drawing a picture on the wall of somebody's house today.

(The End)

*make a living 生活を立てる
*make ends meet 収支を合わせる
*albeit だけれども
*eccentric 風変わりな
*according to 合わせて
*condor コンドル
*completion 完成
*deserve 値する
*as つれて
*elaborate 凝った
*grand 壮大な
*iceberg 氷山
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