October 20, 2013
    She was a cashier.  She worked for a supermarket.@She liked her job.  She liked punching the register.  She liked to put goods into paper bags and give them to the customers with some change.  She liked to greet them.  
    One day a customer placed his shopping basket on the counter.  There was a lunch pack and a PET bottle of green tea in it.  The customer paid, and she gave him the goods in a paper bag with his change.  That's all.  The customer left.  It was just the same as she usually did.  
    She turned towards to the next customer.  She smiled at the customer like the previous one.  And ... when she started to punch the register, she realized that something was wrong.  She had forgotten to give chopsticks to the previous customer.  
    Maybe a common cashier would say "sorry" in their mind to the unlucky customer.  But she was different.  She
grabbed one of the chopsticks by the resister and rapidly headed for the entrance.  Customers in line at each resister wondered what had happened.  Other cashiers looking at her sighed.
    At the entrance way of the supermarket, she swiftly looked around the parking lot.  She couldn't see him.  She looked far away.  There was the guy.  He was pedaling his bicycle and leaving the supermarket area.  She shouted, "Mister! Mister!"  He didn't hear her.  She started to run.  
    She was in her late twenties.  She wore a cashier's uniform, a blouse and pink vest and pink skirt.  It was kind of weird that a woman in a cashier's uniform was pursuing somebody; it looked like as if she was pursuing a shoplifter.
    She was not athletic, but she ran fiercely so that the distance between them was soon shortened.  But when she was about to catch up with him, he changed his bike's gear and the distance expanded again.  She shouted but her voice didn't reach him.
    She followed him desperately. She didn't care about her appearance.  Now her blouse started to show from her skirt.  
    After pursuing him for about 30 minutes, he came to a big road, and waited at a red light.  She came to him, and grabbed his bicycle's saddle.  He was startled to see her.
    Her uniform was dirty with dirt and sweat.  Her hair was wild like a demon's.  She was breathing hard.
    After a while, he finally recognized her as the clerk at the supermarket.  He fearfully asked, "Did I pay short?"  Because she was out of breath, she couldn't speak yet; so, instead she gave the chopsticks in her hand toward him.  They were broken in half.  
    He received them from her hand and was staring at the broken chopsticks for a second and started laughing.  She shyly started laughing, too.

*pursue :to follow sb/sth in order to catch them or it (O)
*catch up with :to reach sb who is in front of you (O)
*desperate :done with little hope of success, as a last thing to try when everything else has failed (O)
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