Sun & North Wind
November 25, 2012
    The north wind said to the sun, "I'm better than you."  The sun wasn't angry with the north wind's saying this because the sun knew about the north wind's very confident character; although the north wind was not a bad person, he was just arrogant.  The sun replied quizzically, "Why do you think so?"  The north wind answered back, "I can generate electricity."  The sun was surprised and said, "I don't think you know about solar generation.  It generates more electricity than wind power, your generation."  The north wind
laughed, "You are an amateur.  Solar generation, you can't work at night!"  The sun agreed, "I know, I know. But the wind can't blow all the time either."   The north wind grinned and said, "I don't think so."  
    After this day, there were strong winds everywhere in the world, everyday and every night.  At first it generated a huge amount of electricity but soon all the wind generators were broken; some propellers broke, others overheated.  
    The sun came to the north wind and said, "You should learn the saying, 'The orange that is too hard yields a bitter juice: More is not always better.'" But the north wind didn't look regretful and retorted, "If human technology was better, I could generate more than you."  The sun chuckled, "Ok, ok. You would never admit that you lost."  The north wind ignored the sun; quipping, "I want to compete with you again in a different way."  The sun replied, "Why not?"  
    The north wind said, "Look at that man.  He is wearing a coat. How about competing against the time it takes for his coat to be taken off?"  The sun wondered if the north wind hadn't learned the famous story in school, so he simply agreed to the competition.  The north wind grinned and gestured, "Please, after you."  The sun felt that this was a little different from the old story, but started to shine warmly on the man in the coat.  The man soon took off his coat.  The sun said to the north wind with satisfaction, "I did it.  I think the time was not so bad."  
    After the sun stopped shinning so strongly, the man began to put on his coat again.  The north wind didn't miss the moment, and suddenly blew a strong wind which took the coat off just as quickly.  

(The End)

retort: kind of SAY
chuckle: kind of LAUGH
puip: kind of SAY

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