April 6, 2014
His referencing about sleepwalking and exercising in a dream gave the government interest to research more about these issues.
He was asked to go to the medical research center, the headquarters of these health issues.

He didn't want to go there because what he said was a completely fabricated story, he had never walked while dreaming and he had never exercised even in his dreams.
The person in charge of the research center called him everyday, so he reluctantly went there.

After a full inspection of his body, they asked him to stay a couple of nights in order to watch his night movements while he was sleeping.
He rejected this by saying that he was too sensitive to sleep in a laboratory-like room.
They agreed with him but suggested that he could use a small machine which was wearable on his wrist and could record his night actions while he was in his own house.
He couldn't refuse this time.

At night, he couldn't go to bed.
He was worried about that if he used this machine, they would soon find out that his sleepwalking and hard exercising in his dreams were false.

When he became very sleepy, he gave up trying to stay awake inside and went
outside with the machine on his wrist.  He started to walk, pretending to be a sleep walker; he made an effort to be half dreaming and imaging hard exercising in his dreams.

Unbelievably, this worked.
The next day, after the inspector checked the machine which he submitted, other doctors and nurses gathered to see the results; saying it was amazing that sleepwalking and exercising in the dream worked very well, equal to actual exercising.

But, actually speaking, he did walk a lot, as much as he ever walked before, being worried that his lie would be revealed.
But after walking for such a long distance, he felt comfortable and refreshed. This was his first experience and he had realized that he didn't dislike this.
After that day, he willingly walked at night for a long distance.
He became very healthy.

On a side note: They, the inspectors, knew of the guy's cheating.  They pretended not to realize it and let him do some exercise to cover it up; it effectively succeeded.
After this case, the inspectors began to lead lazy people who didn't exercise to tell various lies, so they would have to cover it up, and have to exercise in order to hide their lies.

(The End)

*fabricate :to invent facts, a story, etc in order to deceive someone (C)
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