August 26, 2012
    She liked running. She jogged every day, in the morning and at night.  
    She liked to run in the areas where people lived or worked.  She didn't hate the drunken people after work, unless they said sexually harassing things, it was rare though.  She thought drunken people looked more human-like than the people walking to work with their stiff faces in the morning.
    She was running downtown this one night, and when she was waiting for the red right at an intersection to change, she noticed an old woman was sitting on her bottom down at the base of the signal
post.  The woman had her eyes closed.  She asked to the woman, "Are you OK, ma,am? You look tired."  The woman looked up at her and said, "Thank you for asking, young lady. You're a kind woman.  I'm OK, but I feel a little bit strange right now, I mean I've lost my way home even though I live near here." The old woman laughed weakly.
    She asked the old woman whether she had any I.D. with her or not.  The old woman passed her a small cloth bag taking it off of her neck.   She found a note inside which had the women's name, address, phone number and blood type.  She decided to take the woman to the address.  While they were walking, the old woman said 'thank you' many times and she said 'no problem' many times too.
    When they got the woman's house the old woman said thank you again and added. "You saved my life so I want to make your dream come true."  She laughed because the poor old woman who could barely take care of herself couldn't do anything like granting wishes.  But the old woman insisted on knowing her wish, so she said as a comfort. "OK, ma,am. I want to be a good marathon runner."  The old woman looked into her eyes and promised to make it happen.
    On her way home (of course she was running), she felt as though her feet were as light as a feather.  She smiled, "Has her magic started to work?  Of course not, of course not, it can't be."
     (To be continued...)

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