Beauty Salon
June 8, 2014
She went to a beauty salon to have her hair cut.  She had returned to this town recently after getting a divorce.  This town was her hometown.  The beautician cutting her hair was her old classmate.  

She said to her old friend frankly, "I like to live here, full of nature, local food, kind people, even less information.  But, there is something a little bit troublesome for me here."
Her old friend asked, looking at her in the mirror, "What is that?"

She answered, "People's curiosity. In this small town, almost all of the citizens know me, and know about my divorce.  Every time they meet me they ask me why I got a
divorce, or, some more modest people just wait for me to say something about it, saying 'We are happy to live with you again. You can tell us anything.' Or, 'You must be refreshed from the complicated life of the city.'"

Her friend said, "They are not bad people. They are just concerned about you."
She said, "I know, I know. But sometimes I want to leave here for a rest, for several days or even weeks."

Her friend replied, "You don't need to leave. You can change your appearance."
She was at a loss, "What do you mean by that?"

Her friend explained.  Thanks to a recent technology, cosmetics have become unbelievably sufficient, and even this shop, in the middle of the country, has the special make-up material. This make-up uses human visual illusion and can change a person's looks to look like a completely different person.

Her friend showed two photos in which there were two different women but their hair style was the same and a subtle similarity between the two faces.  Her friend said, "They are both me."
She shouted, "What!"  Embarrassed by her reaction, she looked around to see if anyone heard her outburst.  But, she was relieved to see there were no other customers.

Her friend added that it was kind of expensive and that no other customers of this shop had tried it yet.  But, she could give some discount for an old friend.  Her friend winked.

One hour later, she was staring at her face in the mirror in amazement.  The person in the mirror looked to be a totally different person.  

When she was paying the bill at the register, another old classmate entered.  She greeted her with a "Hi!"  But her friend gave her a blank glance, and proceeded forward.

She felt a heavy sense of freedom.  She had decided to enjoy this freedom until her emotional wound would be cured.

(The End)

*divorce :離婚する
*frankly :率直に
*troublesome :面倒な
*curious :好奇心
*complicated :複雑な
*concern :心配させる
*subtle :かすかな
*similarity :類似点
*both :両方
*embarrassed :恥ずかしがって
*outburst :叫び
*greet :挨拶する
*emotional :感情的
*wound :傷
*would :だろう
*cure :治癒する
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