Octorber 14th,2012
   doing の形は、大きく3つのパターンで使われると思います。  まず、1つ目めは、現在進行形や過去での進行形の「〜している」を表す形です。  2つ目は、I like swimmimg. のように swim という動詞を名詞として使うときにingを付けるという便利な使い方です。 1つ目の使い方と2つ目の使い方は、全く違うと思うと違いますが、使っているとなんとなく似ているような気がしてきます。
   Runner-5 から見ていきます。

She looked around, making sure there were no runners around her.  

-making sure 確認しながら  there were no runners around her 彼女の周りにランナーがいないことを

The spectators were looking at her curiously, wondering why she didn't start.

-wondering  不思議に思いながら  why she didn't start  なぜ彼女はスタートしないのか

She took a deep breath and then moved very slowly performing a running form, it was like taichi.

-performing a running form 走るフォームを演じながら

This was her first marathon, and she soon realized there were a lot of spectators watching the runners.

-spectators  観客 watching the runners ランナー達を見ている

She felt happy running in this setting.

-running in this setting この環境の中で走りながら

She saw a TV crew in the car which was following her and a female reporter who was shouting something to the camera pointing at her form.

-pointing at her form  彼女のフォームを指差しながら

She saw many children waving their hands to her.

-children  子供達 waving their hands 手を振っている

He ran by her, pointing to her form and shouted. "Form! Form!"

-pointing to her form  彼女のフォームを指差しながら

At 40 km, she saw 2 runners running in the distance in front of her.

-2 runners   二人のランナー  running in the distance 遠いところで走っている

She saw the old woman sitting on the pavement in the crowd.

-the old woman   あの老女 sitting on the pavement 歩道に座っている

He ran by her, pointing to her form と、She saw the old woman sitting on the pavement は、使われ方は多少違いますが、それぞれの使い方は、複雑なわけではなく慣れていけると思います。  

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