His Ideas 28 ~ The Olympic Games
April 8, 2021
In this country, the Olympic-torch relay has begun.
So he tried thinking about how the Olympics should be held.
The organization decided that they wouldn't accept spectators from abroad. He thought this was a natural course of action, because, if overseas spectators were accepted, the organizers would have to ask all the spectators from abroad to stay quarantined in a hotel for 2 weeks. Now some countries have given shot vaccines to a certain number of people, but now there is uncertainty about if the vaccines are suitable for mutation types. PCR test's preciseness is 70% or so. The organization can't differentiate spectators' treatment by their nationalities, like, "You are from X country and got a shot, so you can enjoy sightseeing from now," or, "Sorry, sir. You are from Y country and haven't gotten a shot, so please stay in your hotel for two weeks." In this case, it would be a diplomatic problem. If two weeks are needed, no customers from abroad would want to come to see the games.

For this country's spectators, the organizer will impose a mandatory PCR test and its certification, temperature data, and, of course, wearing a mask. Maybe spectators can't eat in the stadiums, either.

For athletes, coaches, trainers, and other staff members, they will be allowed to stay only in the Olympic Village and move in a bus which the organizers have prepared. In the stadium the route of those people and the spectators will be divided perfectly.

The most difficult part will be for the workers and the volunteers. The Tokyo Olympic Games' period is from July 23rd to August 8th. The Paralympic Games are from August 24th to September 5th. The workers can't be separated from their families for this long. For the volunteers, they stay in their houses or a hotel that they have reserved by themselves. It will be very difficult for them to reduce their exposure risk.

About the venues of sports, depending on the type of sports, the risk management should be different. For badminton and ping pong, air circulation is stopped. Thus, in this case, maybe fewer spectators should be allowed.

On the other hand, for track & field, soccer, baseball, hockey, which are held outside, maybe more spectators can be accommodated. How about wrestling, weightlifting, boxing, swimming, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, karate, judo, and fencing? Those will be between the two. Kayaking, sailing, shooting, triathlon, marathon, horse riding, cycling, bouldering, and archery seem to have the fewest risks to watch.    

About the opening and ending ceremonies.
These are the highlights of the Olympic Games, but maybe the organizer will want to make the number of performers as few as possible. Normally in the Olympics, we see a large scale of children's performance, young people's acrobatic dances, etc., but this time maybe only a small group of musicians and dancers will perform, using videos of beautiful scenes of nature and culture of the country. If we are lucky, we might be able to watch dances performed by robots!

Cities will accept athletes for their training before their race or game. Normally citizens would watch them and could communicate with them, they might teach children who are living in the local city. But maybe no chance this time. The athletes must stay in their hotels, go to practice, and can move only to/from the venue; no communication with spectators or usual people, unfortunately.

His Idea #28 : Olympic Games

The income generated from spectators' consumption for flight, staying at hotels, eating and drinking at restaurants and bars, traveling around the local areas, souvenirs, etc. will be smaller than the first estimate. The most expensive seat was for the opening ceremony, it was $ 3,000. Maybe the total seats will be reduced by half or a 1/3, and, maybe the price of the tickets will go down, even so many tickets won't be sold.  

This Olympics will be the simplest and most eco-friendly Olympics. He liked this. Like the trademark of the five circles, the Olympic Games should emphasize the five continents' balanced wealth, respectfulness and cooperation with each other, and the creation of harmony as a world.


*quarantine: 隔離する
*uncertainty: 不確実性
*mutation: 変異
*diplomatic: 外交の
*impose: 課する
*mandatory: 強制的な
*exposure: 露出
*venue: 会場
*estimate: 見積
*consumption: 消費
*emphasize: 重要視する、強調する
*respectfulness: 敬意
*harmony: 調和
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