Jobs 2
May 23, 2019
Although 'Accommodations, eating and drinking services' only increased by 5% from 2002, he could guess that this category would keep increasing more and more. Tourists from abroad are increasing. The government made a goal of the number of tourists from abroad to 40 million by 2020. The foreign tourists 10 years ago were 8.4 million, and it became 31.2 million last year. Even now, hotels are said to be too few. The government's goal for 2030 is 60 million. Where should they stay? Maybe more hotels and inns would be constructed and more workers would be employed.  

On the contrary, 'Finance and insurance' only decreased by 4%. He didn't think this situation would last, maybe the declining rate will be accelerated. Recently he read in the newspaper that one of the biggest banks announced to reduce their 130 nationwide offices. The article read that saving account in this country yield only 0.1% interest or so a year. In this case people don't think to save money in banks. People don't go to banks as often as they did before. You can pay public utility bills at convenience stores. People don't use credit card as before; they have other alternatives like debit cards. Web shopping companies have made their own banks; their service charge to withdraw or transfer money was free, while normal banks charge transactional fees.  

He felt strange that the number of total workers in this country has been increasing. He had thought it was decreasing. The government often announced about the problem of 'too few children' and 'aging society', and, as a result, 'shortage of workers'. He started to search for more data.

Male workers were 37.4 million in 2002 and now they are 37.2 million. A small decrease. Female workers are up from 25.9 million to 29.5 million. This is the reason for the increase of the total number of workers.

The prime minister always emphasized how important it is to encourage women labor. He prepared some policies for that, and maybe they are the reason for this result.

In 2002, regular employees and non-regular employees (temporary employees, etc.) were each 35.3 million and 14.1 million (71.5% : 28.5%) ,respectively. And now it has become 34.8 million and 21.0 million (62.4% : 37.6%),respectively. Maybe the increase of woman workers is reflected in this statistics.

He could see some tendencies by gender.

In 'Transport and postal activities', men saw a little bit of a decrease, but women increased by 36.5%. Nowadays, he always saw female workers in uniform who were driving a truck, and carrying parcels.

In 'Medical, health care and welfare', women increased by 73.2% and men increased by 82.1%. The other day when he was visiting a hospital, he soon realized that there were many young male care workers pushing wheel chairs for the elderly patients.

He checked the number of workers for each age group.

 15~24 years old :  6.40 M (2002) →  5.71 M (2018)
 25~34 years old : 14.31 M →  11.19 M
 35~44 years old : 12.46 M → 14.42 M
 45~54 years old : 15.19 M → 15.24 M
 55~64 years old : 10.12 M → 11.47 M
 65~   years old :  4.94 M →  8.73 M

As he had predicted, the younger generation workers have decreased, while the older generation workers have increased. He thought that it was clear that this tendency would became more remarkable in the future.

The government has been saying that this country needs more workers and healthy elderly people should work: working is good for elderly people to maintain their health and increase the opportunity of communication in society.

He wanted to say it was "non of their business". He thought that their saying was just an excuse. It was clear that the amount of pension fund of the government was short for future receivers, so the government wanted to extend labors' retirement age. That's it.

(To be continued ...)

*accommodation :宿泊
*yield :生み出す
*utility :便益
*alternative :代替
*transaction :処理
*temporary :一時的な
*respectively :めいめい
*statistics :統計
*welfare :福祉
*pension :年金
*fund :基金
*extend :伸ばす
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